Friday, April 1, 2011

Sally Hansen "Blue It" Nail Polish Reivew + Picture

I'm sorry my nails look a little crappy. I painted my nails last week & just took this picture today!
Anyways I love blue. Blue is my favorite colors. Anyways, I don't wear this color often but when I do I go about two weeks using it. That or until my nail grows longer & the color starts to fade at the tips. Which ever comes first. Its a real bold & cute blue. It's shiny & shimmery. Mines took about an hour or so to fully dry. Where I can push my finger into it & it wont crease into shaping my fingerprints. ha ha. So yeah you should try it out. It's called Blue It
** & I'm sorry I don't remember the price since I bought this months ago but definitely check it out at Wal-mart -- where I bought mines from! Yes I bought this.

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