Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Hello!

  Hello all... or just everyone who is reading this! =) Now I'd like to start my first post to tell you all about myself.

  First of all yes I will remain ANONYMOUS. The reason is not because I want to be fake or because I'm getting paid for any of these products because I'm not. The reason why I want to remain anonymous is actually because of my viewers/readers. Why you ask? Well I want you to read my post and actual read it and judge by what I write. Not what I look like. I think it may be a bit easier for you to read and understand and actually "listen" to what I say if you don't know how I look like. Plus I hopefully won't get any negative comments... if I do I'll just delete them. =)

  Now that I explained the whole anonymous stage lets move on. I wanted to do hauls and reviews but I didn't want to record videos and put them on the famous YouTube. So why not blog. People like to read, some, so I can just take pictures and write, right? RIGHT!

  On to the next one. Yes I'm a female. I promise you this! No I won't take a picture of my body if you were thinking of asking & of course not my face because then I won't be anonymous. I'm 18 years old & I live in the United States. I love makeup so this blog will probably be filled with mostly makeup related hauls and reviews. There might be some other stuff (electronics, food, stores, lotions, sprays, nail polish, games, etc.)  but usually cosmetics. I'm not a professional makeup artist or anything like that. I'm just an average girl who happens to love makeup, but not really into fashion. I don't really get a kick out of fashion. I just like to wear clothes that looks good on me and feels comfy. I am in college right now and I'm currently majoring in Liberal Arts. This is my first semester and I LOVE college. It's amazing. And for those of you who are nervous, afraid, or just totally unsure, Girl/Boy if you got the money, time and motivation do it! It's really not like high school. BREAK! Sorry I'm getting off topic! Okay so I am single. I like it that way... for right now. I have older brothers but no sisters or younger siblings. If you haven't figured it out yes I'm the only girl and the youngest. Anyways that's about it I can think of right about now.
if you have ANY questions or just personal stuff you want to ask/tell me e-mail me,
I'll try to remember to check it regularly. Thanks for reading. Please follow my blog. I'd really really REALLY appreciate it. If you don't like me then you can stop following, I'll be a little bummed but I don't want you to waste your time. Times are precious and you shouldn't waste yours on someone that you have no interest in. =) Thank you again! Have a good day/night! Be safe & God Bless! =)

BTW I'd like to add: If you can't read my post due to my choosing of a difficult font just let me know. I'll try to choose one that you can read but I still like!

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